FIFA figures show year to date transfer fees at $7.4bn

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November 1 – Figures from FIFA’s International Transfer Match System show 184 international transfers were made in October with $3.8 million spent on fees.

The slow down from the Summer transfer frenzy when most of the transfer windows were open worldwide is expected. 174 of the transfers were for players out of contract with just six of them being permanent transfers.

FIFA says that in the year to date there have been 17,752 international transfers, a growth of 9.4% over 2018. Transfer fees over the same period have grown 5.4% with $7.403 billion spent.

In October England topped the list of players transferring out with 13, while Benin saw the most incoming players with 19. $3.3 million of the $3.8 million spent was in Portugal.


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