October 13 – Turkey’s Galatasaray has upped its game in terms of its innovative approach towards fans, becoming the first club in the world to officially present its first “digital fan”.“Our club continues its tradition of being the club of firsts and bests in Turkey and is introducing an innovation that combines sports and the digital world. We are happy to introduce to you Leo, the world’s first Digital Fan, together with our solution partner Leo The Fan A.Ş.” said a club press release.
Leo is one of the millions of Galatasaray fans who has put Galatasaray at the centre of his life.
Leo is also a music producer, songwriter, and artist influencer specializing in video, photography, and artwork. He appears to be a Lion as clever as Harry Rednapp’s dog that had a bank account in Monaco.
“As big Galatasaray fans follow Leo and watch what he does, Galatasaray will win, so Galatasaray fans will support their club without using their own financial resources”, said the club in a statement.
Galatasaray shared a photo of Leo (the lion pictured left) beside the club’s president Dursun Özbek (the person on the right).
Leo, the Digital Fan of Galatasaray, has also personal accounts in X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, YouTube and Spotify. He is already followed by more over 145,000 people across the social networks.
Contact the writer of this story, Aleksander Krassimirov, at moc.l1737575188labto1737575188ofdlr1737575188owedi1737575188sni@o1737575188fni1737575188