Edition 1 – National Olympic Committee leaders
Question 1 -
The postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games has just been announced. Do you agree or disagree with such decision, and the way it was handled by sport and political authorities?

José Manuel Constantino
(President, NOC Portugal)
I agree with the postponement of the Games, in line with the appeal and the official position of the COP to the IOC in this regard. The decision fails however, not only for being late, but fundamentally due to communication and guidance given by international sporting authorities.

Brian Lewis
(President, NOC Trinidad and Tobago and CANOC)
Totally agree with the decision to postpone the Games. We can’t underplay the risks of Covid-19. Its life and death. Given the difficult and complex negotiations and discussions required with an event of the magnitude of the Olympic Games it was handled as well as it could have been. I am sure the IOC have taken onboard the lessons.

Besim Hasani
(President, NOC Kosovo)
I fully agree with the postponement of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 for next year! Kosovo OC together with the other 49 NOCs through teleconference were asked about our opinion regarding the postponement of the Olympic Games and all 50 NOCs unanimously voted, one by one, in favour of postponement. Once again, the President of the IOC, Thomas Bach informed us how the decision was taken for the postponement and that the IOC was working hard with all stakeholders and partners to find a suitable date when OG Tokyo 2020 will be held. In meantime the final decision was that OG Tokyo 2020 will be start on July 23, 2021 – 8 of August 2021.

Paul Wanderley
(President, NOC Brasil)
The Olympic Committee of Brazil was one of the first National Committees to speak publicly in favor of the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Therefore, we saw with relief the postponement of the event. The decision was made to protect the health of athletes and everyone involved in the biggest sporting event in the world, which has to be the priority at this time.
Question 2 -
What is the impact of this postponement on the priorities and work programme of your organisation? Will you shift to other priorities? Will you use that time to reflect on the modus operandi of your organisation?
José Manuel Constantino
(President, NOC Portugal)
From the outset, the change of dates requires the redefinition of a set of commitments - some of them already formalised and paid - such as the travel arrangements reserved for Tokyo and the whole process related to the Portuguese Olympic House in Tokyo. The funding mechanisms for athletes and federations will also have to be
redesigned, as well as arguably the mandate of the COP and the national sports federations, as everything is aligned with the date of
the Olympic Games.
Internally, the telework regime imposed by the State of Emergency in Portugal reconstructs the traditional work dynamics, and poses challenges for the organic departments whose workload may decrease due to the fact that their activities, mostly performed on-site, are suspended. To this extent, it is a good opportunity to review and improve the working documents and contents developed by the COP in its various capacity building programmes.
redesigned, as well as arguably the mandate of the COP and the national sports federations, as everything is aligned with the date of
the Olympic Games.
Internally, the telework regime imposed by the State of Emergency in Portugal reconstructs the traditional work dynamics, and poses challenges for the organic departments whose workload may decrease due to the fact that their activities, mostly performed on-site, are suspended. To this extent, it is a good opportunity to review and improve the working documents and contents developed by the COP in its various capacity building programmes.
Brian Lewis
(President, NOC Trinidad and Tobago and CANOC)
The impact in terms of the operating environment is significant.
We are currently assessing all our programmes and initiatives and will make a determination in due course. I anticipate post Covid-19 we will inhabit a different world and the TTOC will have to further transform and in some areas make radical changes.
We are currently assessing all our programmes and initiatives and will make a determination in due course. I anticipate post Covid-19 we will inhabit a different world and the TTOC will have to further transform and in some areas make radical changes.
Besim Hasani
(President, NOC Kosovo)
I spoke with both the Kosovo athletes who are qualified for OG Tokyo
2020 together with those athletes who may be potentially qualified in
the future and all of them are happy with the postponement! They were
interested just to know as soon as possible the exact date when the
Olympic Games will start to facilitate their training.
2020 together with those athletes who may be potentially qualified in
the future and all of them are happy with the postponement! They were
interested just to know as soon as possible the exact date when the
Olympic Games will start to facilitate their training.
Paulo Wanderley
(President, NOC Brasil)
We requested the postponement in advance because we understand
that the major concern at the moment is in relation to the global economic consequence that the confrontation with COVID-19 will
bring. However, we knew it would have important consequences for
our activities, particularly in the process of organizing the Brazilian
mission in Tokyo 2020. Here was the big impact. We initiated contact with contracted companies, city halls and universities, in order to
postpone contracts, aiming at the possibility of using all the services contracted on the new date of the event, and without the need to pay fines.
In addition, some engagement actions with the Team Brasil supporter and the strengthening of our brand with the market and society,
are quite compromised due to the financial difficulties that the postponement causes.
These projects and actions are included in our 2020 budget, and will
be reassessed and transferred to the 2021 budget.
that the major concern at the moment is in relation to the global economic consequence that the confrontation with COVID-19 will
bring. However, we knew it would have important consequences for
our activities, particularly in the process of organizing the Brazilian
mission in Tokyo 2020. Here was the big impact. We initiated contact with contracted companies, city halls and universities, in order to
postpone contracts, aiming at the possibility of using all the services contracted on the new date of the event, and without the need to pay fines.
In addition, some engagement actions with the Team Brasil supporter and the strengthening of our brand with the market and society,
are quite compromised due to the financial difficulties that the postponement causes.
These projects and actions are included in our 2020 budget, and will
be reassessed and transferred to the 2021 budget.
Question 3 -
What is the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on your organisation, from a sporting and financial standpoint, and in your country? What are the main risk mitigation steps you have adopted?
José Manuel Constantino
(President, NOC Portugal)
With the suspension of competitions and the confinement of people
at home, a decrease in revenue is expected, as well as a strong
contraction of financing from the business, mostly composed of
small and micro companies. In this sense, guidelines were given for the various organic units of the COP to present, within one week, a proposal to reformulate the Plan of Activities and Budget, which will take into account these unprecedented issues and the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games to next year.
at home, a decrease in revenue is expected, as well as a strong
contraction of financing from the business, mostly composed of
small and micro companies. In this sense, guidelines were given for the various organic units of the COP to present, within one week, a proposal to reformulate the Plan of Activities and Budget, which will take into account these unprecedented issues and the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games to next year.
Brian Lewis
(President, NOC Trinidad and Tobago and CANOC)
From a risk management perspective no one saw the Covid-19
Pandemic coming. The disruption to sport has been immense. The
TTOC balance sheet can weather the storm. Our marketing strategy will
be reviewed so as to leverage on the new opportunities that will evolve
out of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Pandemic coming. The disruption to sport has been immense. The
TTOC balance sheet can weather the storm. Our marketing strategy will
be reviewed so as to leverage on the new opportunities that will evolve
out of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Besim Hasani
(President, NOC Kosovo)
The Kosovo Government has, on proposal of the sport community,
suspended all sport activities and other gatherings including meetings, seminars and courses.
The Kosovo NOC staff are working online from their homes and we have daily online meetings at lunchtime for an hour and a half to
regularly update each other on our progress.
Regarding the financial impact on Kosovo NOC from the Coronavirus
pandemic, the Ministry is supporting sports organisations (Kosovo NOC and National Federations) while the Kosovo Government delivers an emergency support in the sum of 5 million Euros.
I think the Coronavirus will impact upon the relationship between Sport organisations and the private sector that used to be sponsors of sport!
suspended all sport activities and other gatherings including meetings, seminars and courses.
The Kosovo NOC staff are working online from their homes and we have daily online meetings at lunchtime for an hour and a half to
regularly update each other on our progress.
Regarding the financial impact on Kosovo NOC from the Coronavirus
pandemic, the Ministry is supporting sports organisations (Kosovo NOC and National Federations) while the Kosovo Government delivers an emergency support in the sum of 5 million Euros.
I think the Coronavirus will impact upon the relationship between Sport organisations and the private sector that used to be sponsors of sport!
Paulo Wanderley
(President, NOC Brasil)
COB and Confederations’ finances are suffering impacts, as are any
and all non-profit companies or entities. This is due to the measures
adopted at national and international level due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the COB, which has as its main source of resource, the collection
with lottery bets, the restrictive measures imposed, the quarantine
of the population, limit the operation of lottery houses not allowing people to make their face-to-face bets, as they usually did . This should decrease the amount of bets, even with the online betting option.
The initial effect has already resulted in an almost complete halt
to all of our internal programs to prepare for the Tokyo Games, to
train sports professionals, to develop young athletes and to support
the projects of our National Federations. We have implemented a crisis management system and we will have to reorganize all of our actions and activities according to this new social scenario and the reduction of financial resources in sports.
In addition, measures are being taken, such as the revision of the
strategic budget plan, the renegotiation of contracts with suppliers, as well as austere administrative and financial adjustments in order to
maintain the financial health of the COB and the Confederations for the duration of the quarantine state and after the liberation of the economy in general.
The effects on the world economy will be extremely significant, which
may generate a recession that will certainly impact the entire international sports system. We will have to increasingly seek the union of all segments (clubs, federations, committee, sponsors and governments) so that we can establish priorities, reschedule activities over the next few months, establish short, medium and long term actions so that we can survive this period and maintain our sporting and Olympic sport support programs in Brazil in a perspective of falling investment that is approaching.
The effects caused by the pandemic will only be known when everything has passed, until then, the COB and the Confederations will be attentive to make adjustments that will allow Brazilian Olympic athletes to have the best resources to train and compete.
and all non-profit companies or entities. This is due to the measures
adopted at national and international level due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the COB, which has as its main source of resource, the collection
with lottery bets, the restrictive measures imposed, the quarantine
of the population, limit the operation of lottery houses not allowing people to make their face-to-face bets, as they usually did . This should decrease the amount of bets, even with the online betting option.
The initial effect has already resulted in an almost complete halt
to all of our internal programs to prepare for the Tokyo Games, to
train sports professionals, to develop young athletes and to support
the projects of our National Federations. We have implemented a crisis management system and we will have to reorganize all of our actions and activities according to this new social scenario and the reduction of financial resources in sports.
In addition, measures are being taken, such as the revision of the
strategic budget plan, the renegotiation of contracts with suppliers, as well as austere administrative and financial adjustments in order to
maintain the financial health of the COB and the Confederations for the duration of the quarantine state and after the liberation of the economy in general.
The effects on the world economy will be extremely significant, which
may generate a recession that will certainly impact the entire international sports system. We will have to increasingly seek the union of all segments (clubs, federations, committee, sponsors and governments) so that we can establish priorities, reschedule activities over the next few months, establish short, medium and long term actions so that we can survive this period and maintain our sporting and Olympic sport support programs in Brazil in a perspective of falling investment that is approaching.
The effects caused by the pandemic will only be known when everything has passed, until then, the COB and the Confederations will be attentive to make adjustments that will allow Brazilian Olympic athletes to have the best resources to train and compete.
Question 4 -
What has your organisation put in motion or is considering in order to ensure that the necessary governance and sport integrity reforms are not slowed down or stopped by the Coronavirus crisis?
José Manuel Constantino
(President, NOC Portugal)
The COP has been a leading body in terms of sports integrity, through reference projects, namely its new Integrity Programme “For Respect”. Shortly before the pandemic crisis, an Integrity Guide was launched encapsulationg ll the COP’s guidelines on this issue - with several documents and reference principles from some stakeholders
More educational and didactic contenst are being developed, with
the participation of national Olympic athletes to be diffused in an awareness campaign, and, fundamentally in this critical period, the work with the Single Points of Contact in each federation to continue updating their disciplinary regulations, in accordance with the IOC Code and the rules of the respective International Federations, is being strengthened.
More educational and didactic contenst are being developed, with
the participation of national Olympic athletes to be diffused in an awareness campaign, and, fundamentally in this critical period, the work with the Single Points of Contact in each federation to continue updating their disciplinary regulations, in accordance with the IOC Code and the rules of the respective International Federations, is being strengthened.
Brian Lewis
(President, NOC Trinidad and Tobago and CANOC)
At this point in time the TTOC must fast track its digital transformation if it is to ring fence governance and sport integrity reforms. With the restrictions on movement and stay at home measures imposed by
Government in an effort to flatten the Covid-19 curve. There is a real
risk as most sport organisations are shut down Administratively.
Government in an effort to flatten the Covid-19 curve. There is a real
risk as most sport organisations are shut down Administratively.
Besim Hasani
(President, NOC Kosovo)
Working from home has some advantages and Kosovo NOC is using
this time to go through all the SIGA Universal Standards in order to
review what was successfully implemented, what has to be improved
and what should be changed. We are also brainstormining and planning the next SIGA Regional Summit and SIGA Talks that we are planning to organize again in Pristina during the fourth quarter of this year.
Coronavirus will not slow down or to stop SIGA Sports Integrity Reforms!
this time to go through all the SIGA Universal Standards in order to
review what was successfully implemented, what has to be improved
and what should be changed. We are also brainstormining and planning the next SIGA Regional Summit and SIGA Talks that we are planning to organize again in Pristina during the fourth quarter of this year.
Coronavirus will not slow down or to stop SIGA Sports Integrity Reforms!
Paulo Wanderley
(President, NOC Brasil)
Thanks to the statutory changes promoted by the Brazilian Olympic
Committee and the strengthening of its Internal Governance structures, we can go through the current moment safely from an institutional point of view.
The internal instances of the COB are functioning normally, but in a
virtual way, through distance interaction tools. The only measure that
we were unable to take remotely due to limitations under Brazilian
law was the holding of the Annual General Meeting, which took place
on 03/31/2020. However, all protective measures were taken to prevent any contagion from the participants.
Some adjustments are being made to the financial relationship between the Brazilian Confederations and the COB with a view to making it possible to carry out maintenance projects for such entities and to reschedule the sports activities that should be resumed later
this year. This procedure is within the rules of the entity’s governance
and, today (01/04/2020), the Board of Directors will resolve matters in this regard remotely.
Committee and the strengthening of its Internal Governance structures, we can go through the current moment safely from an institutional point of view.
The internal instances of the COB are functioning normally, but in a
virtual way, through distance interaction tools. The only measure that
we were unable to take remotely due to limitations under Brazilian
law was the holding of the Annual General Meeting, which took place
on 03/31/2020. However, all protective measures were taken to prevent any contagion from the participants.
Some adjustments are being made to the financial relationship between the Brazilian Confederations and the COB with a view to making it possible to carry out maintenance projects for such entities and to reschedule the sports activities that should be resumed later
this year. This procedure is within the rules of the entity’s governance
and, today (01/04/2020), the Board of Directors will resolve matters in this regard remotely.