Blatter puts faith in technology and renews call for video challenges

Sepp Blatter11

By Andrew Warshaw
August 18 – FIFA president Sepp Blatter has renewed his call for managers to each be allowed two tennis-style challenges against contentious officiating decisions during matches. Blatter first made his surprise suggestion during FIFA’s annual congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in June, raising eyebrows among delegates since he had hitherto been opposed to any video aids other than goal-line technology.

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David Owen: 1974 – when British football was whiter than white and QPR briefly looked like the shape of the future

Rummaging through my mother’s garage, I found a mildewed relic: a copy of Shoot! “incorporating Goal”‘s summer special from 1974.

It was not a happy time for English football. The Alf Ramsey era had just fizzled to a close with a goalless draw in Portugal. With the World Cup that England had failed to qualify for about to take place in West Germany, the first article was an assessment of Ramsey’s long reign.

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English fans protest ticket prices as Premier League ready for kick off

ticket price protest

By Andrew Warshaw
August 15 – The new English Premier League season gets under way this weekend amid renewed concerns over the cost of ticket prices. Yesterday the Football Supporters’ Federation organised a march towards the London headquarters of the Premier League wielding banners declaring “Football without fans is nothing” and “Demand cuts in ticket prices”.

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Poland to scrap supporters’ cards in bid to boost attendances

Polish fans

By Jaroslaw Adamowski
August 15 – In a bid to boost attendance of football matches in Poland, the parliament’s Physical Culture and Sports commission has unveiled a legislative proposal to scrap supporters’ cards which are currently a prerequisite for attending Polish league matches. Under the plan, the cards will be cancelled in the 2015/2016 season.

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Inside Insight: Mongering some FIFA rumours

The World Cup is done and dusted. The revolution did not happen, football was televised. Rio remained unaffected by what the nay sayers had predicted to become a nightmare for FIFA. The social unrest prior to the World Cup proved to be against an apparently incompetent and corrupt government and not the governing body of world football. The schools and hospitals remain unbuilt. The roadways and other ways remain unfinished eye-sores, as they were before the Cup,

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