Alan Hubbard: Sir Trevor Brooking would make ideal FA chairman


FA may stand for any number of things, apart from the Football Association, few of them printable, However in the light of recent events it seems they will stand for almost anything. Appointing 66-year-old Lord Triesman as an independent chairman has proved a ghastly mistake for he has underlined the adage that there is no fool like an old fool. 

There is another adage too. As Shakespeare wrote, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” If indeed Melissa Jacobs,

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Mihir Bose: Manchester United suitors must be beware of history

Football works best as a dictatorship, not a democracy.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Just ask Sir Alex Ferguson.

He was never happy with the Manchester United board when it was run as a plc. Indeed he refused to take up the shares when the club floated, although this may have reflected his deep socialist convictions of equal shares for all.

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Mihir Bose: Europa League is another concept that the English have been slow to grasp

The British have a great capacity to invent new sports. But, having got the world playing, they are very hostile to any change to the sports they have invented.

The British genius for sports has been well documented. The country may not be a sporting super-power but nearly all modern sports were either invented in this country or their laws codified here.

The problem arises when the sports the British have invented are changed,

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Andrew Warshaw: Wembley pitch can only damage 2018 World Cup prospects

Andrew Warshaw

The national stadium is supposed to represent the maximum a country can offer, an iconic venue that provides the best possible platform for deciding the outcome of the most important fixtures.

A venue that should give players the freedom to express themselves, managers the ability to change tactics without fear of accident and fans the unique experience of watching football at its most expansive.

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