English icon David Beckham calls time on a stellar playing career

David Beckhma

By Andrew Warshaw
May 16 – Sir Alex Ferguson isn’t the only Manchester United icon to retire from football. Former England captain David Beckham – arguably the most recognised and respected player of his generation – has now announced that he, too, is stepping down at the end of this season after a distinguished career spanning 20 years. 

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Western Union PASSes expectations with Europa League

Western Union - PASS

By Andrew Warshaw in Amsterdam
May 16 – However fortuitous Chelsea were in their Europa League victory over Benfica on Wednesday night, behind the scenes tournament sponsors Western Union were celebrating their own special landmark. Commercial partners traditionally deliver all kinds of reasons, some more credible than others, for getting into bed with football to enhance their brand awareness. But sometimes a campaign looks such an obvious fit, it seems destined for immediate success.

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Zenit loses CAS appeal, with points staying with Dynamo Moscow

zenit fans

By Mark Baber
May 15 – The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) upheld the award of a 3-0 win to Dynamo Moscow, imposed by the Football Union of Russia (FUR), after the game between Dynamo and Zenit was abandoned after Dynamo’s goalkeeper was hit by a flare thrown by Zenit fans. The panel also rejected Zenit’s requests to sanction Dynamo Moscow.

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Serie A game halted as Roma fans chant racist abuse at San Siro

milan vs roma

By Andrew Warshaw
May 13 – Despite a recent crackdown on racism by football’s governing bodies, Sunday’s high-profile Serie A clash between AC Milan and Roma was halted because of abusive chanting by fans. Play was stopped by the referee for about two minutes at the start of the second half after chants were aimed at Milan’s black players from visiting Roma fans.

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