KPMG are latest to quit the FIFA financial circus

FIFA shadows

By Andrew Warshaw

June 13 – Did they jump or were they pushed? KPMG, the international auditors who have examined FIFA’s books for more than decade, have controversially stepped down just days after being criticised for failing to spot extortionate pay increases awarded amongst themselves by Sepp Blatter and two of the senior staff under his regime.

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Blatter bonuses match those in pro-leagues worldwide, says lawyer

Sepp Blatter 20

June 7 – Sepp Blatter’s lawyers say his compensation payments were completely above board despite the furore over revelations last week by FIFA’s American lawyers that Blatter, Jerome Valcke and Markus Kattner paid themselves millions of dollars in bonuses that hardly anyone else was aware of.

The trio awarded themselves salary increases and future golden handshakes totaling tens of millions of dollars over just five years, it was disclosed. FIFA said prior to 2013,

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FIFA bosses bagged $80m bonus booty, say US lawyers


By Andrew Warshaw

June 3 – With precision timing just when the organisation’s new president Gianni Infantino was under mounting scrutiny for a raft of allegedly suspect manoeuvres to boost his authority, FIFA’s American lawyers hit back today by revealing that Sepp Blatter, Jerome Valcke and Markus Kattner awarded themselves pay rises and bonuses worth $80 million over five years.

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News Analysis: Infantino has a problem

By James Dostoyevsky

Yesterday, Switzerland’s staunchly conservative daily, known as ‘NZZ’ among Zurich’s intelligentsia, headlined its back page: ‘Gianni Infantino has a problem’. The paper proceeded to list a host of “problems”, all of which look to be self-inflicted. And some of which will lead (have led) to an Ethics investigation by a man who cannot be bought: Cornel Borbély is a strong fighter for the good, and has no worries about being asked to leave.

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