Sheikh Ahmad declares his Olympian assault on FIFA’s higher summits

Sheikh Ahmed

By Andrew Warshaw
February 27 – Kuwait’s Olympic supremo Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah, one of the most influential powerbrokers in world sport, has formally put his name forward to take up one of Asia’s slots on the FIFA executive committee. Ahead of Saturday’s deadline, Skeikh Ahmad has been officially nominated by his home football federation, prompting immediate speculation that he may ultimately be setting his sights on the FIFA presidency in 2019.

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FIFA presidential race: a leaky business

Mark Pieth

February 11 – Mark Pieth (pictured), the Swiss expert hired by FIFA president Sepp Blatter to submit recommendations for reform to improve the organisation’s battered image, has suggested that much-publicised leaks about his work may be linked to the current presidential election campaign.

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