Valcke calls Confederations Cup a ‘true test’ in build up to 2014

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By Andrew Warshaw
August 4 – FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke has admitted there were “challenges and deficiencies” for his organisation at this summer’s Confederations Cup, marred by nationwide street protests, but insists that any mistakes made at the World Cup warm-up tournament helped concentrate the mind on how to prepare for the real thing next year.

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Blazer investigation suspended until end 2013 at latest

chuck blazer

By Paul Nicholson
August 2 – FIFA has provisionally suspended investigations into former FIFA executive committee member Chuck Blazer until the end of 2013 at the latest. The decision, taken by chief of investigation Robert Torres, was made after Torres received written confirmation that Blazer will not be engaging in any football-related activities until at least 31 December 2013.

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