Man Utd LIVE roadshow rolls on to India for May season finale

United Live india

May 2 – Manchester United have added a third date in a third country for their United: LIVE travelling roadshow that takes the Man Utd experience to fans outside England with a mix fanzones, live entertainment, appearances by club legends and ending with the screening of a live match from the Premier League.

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Man City fuelled for new deal with Vivo Energy in Botswana

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By Mark Baber
April 15 – Manchester City have agreed that Vivo Energy, the company that distributes and markets Shell branded fuels and lubricants across Africa, will be the Club’s Official Fuels and Lubricants partner in Botswana, extending an existing association with the company, unveiled at the end of 2014, which covered the Ivory Coast.

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Twitter stats: Man Utd accelerate growth, Man City lose even more ground

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By Paul Nicholson
April 9 – The trends of the previous six weeks were followed last week with no change in the Insideworldfootball table of Premier League club Twitter followers. Manchester United again surged forward to continue their standout gains against their rivals as they chase the total number of followers to overtake Arsenal and Chelsea who head them in the overall table.

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