Garber hails progress of MLS

By Andrew Warshaw in Manchester

March 3 –
Don Garber (pictured), the Commissioner of the Major League Soccer (MLS), says football in his country has come on leaps and bounds but still has a long way to go to match the established sports in the United States.

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Warner: South Africa World Cup will break even

Jack Warner in front of FIFA sign

By David Owen

February 24 – Jack Warner (pictured) has entered the debate about the wisdom of staging the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, telling insideworldfootball in an exclusive interview that it was “inconceivable” that South Africa could put on as financially successful a tournament as Germany.

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Qatar: No let-up in the style stakes

By Andrew Warshaw

February 23 – Qatar may not be everyone’s cup of tea as far as hosting the World Cup in 2022 but they have shown once again that if prizes were awarded for stylish presentations as distinct from footballing pedigree, they would be handed the tournament on a plate.

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