Exclusive: Sacked finance director says Ahmad ordered CAF to pay for Umrah pilgrimage

By Osasu Obayiuwana in Cairo, Egypt

July 13 – Mohamed El Sherei, sacked as CAF’s Finance Director on July 8, has told Insideworldfootball that CAF President Ahmad instructed him to use the organisation’s funds to pay for the flights and expenses of several CAF executive committee members, important CAF officials and FA Presidents across Africa that attended the Umrah, the “lesser pilgrimage,” in Saudi Arabia in May 2018. 

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CAF seeks ‘hosting agreement’ to keep HQ in Egypt but rival suitors line up

By Osasu Obayiuwana in Cairo, Egypt. 

July 11 – The Confederation of African Football (CAF), headquartered in Cairo, is seeking the finalisation of a treaty that gives CAF the official status, with diplomatic rights, of an international sports organisation functioning in the country. CAF has operated in Egypt since 1957, and until 2007 without an official ‘Hosting Agreement’ with the Egyptian government. The 2007 agreement automatically renewed in 2012 for five years but expired in 2017.

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Moroccan FA boss Lekjaa accused of assaulting Ethiopian ref Tessema. CAF to make ‘watershed’ ruling

By Osasu Obayiuwana in Cairo, Egypt

July 9 – Fouzi Lekjaa, 3rd Vice-President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), is at grave risk of being fined and banned by the organisation of which he is a high-ranking member, when CAF’s Disciplinary Committee sits in Cairo on Tuesday, to hear a complaint the Ethiopian Football Federation (EFF) have filed against the Moroccan.

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