Adamu takes FIFA ban to CAS


By Andrew Warshaw

May 5 – Amos Adamu, the Nigerian football powerbroker suspended by FIFA for alleged involvement in bribery and corruption, is taking his case to the sport’s highest court to overturn his three-year ban.

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Source of French ethnic quota leak revealed


By David Gold

May 4 – The French Football Federation (FFF) chief community officer, Mohamed Belkacemi, is reportedly the source of the leak which revealed secret plans by senior French football officials to implement a quota restricting the number of black and north African players in the country’s academies.

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Blaquart suspended over French quota row


By David Gold

April 30 – François Blaquart, the National Technical Director of the French Football Federation (FFF), has been suspended over plans to implement a quota restricting the number of black and north African players in French youth academies.

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French Football Federation in ethnic quota row


By David Gold

April 29 – The French Football Federation (FFF) will hold an investigation into reports emanating from French website Mediapart, which claimed officials within the organisation are in favour of quotas limiting the number of players recruited by academies from immigrant communities.

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