Segura sidelined as FIFA takes over running of Argentinian FA

Luis Segura

June 27 – As if losing to Chile on penalties in the final of Copa America for the second successive time wasn’t painful enough Argentina are embroiled in an escalating crisis off the field with FIFA saying they have taken control of the national federation and will help pick an emergency panel to manage its affairs.

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Brazilian ‘mafia’ inquiry targets Marin, Hawilla, Dunga, Neymar’s Dad and Infantino

Jose maria marin

By Samindra Kunti

April 29 – The Brazilian parliamentary inquiry (CPI) into corruption in football – actually called CPI da Mafia de Futebol – has requested interviews with former president of the Brazilian FA Jose Maria Marin (pictured) and Traffic founder Jose Hawilla, both currently confined to the United States as part of their agreements with the US Department of Justice as it continues its football corruption prosecutions.

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