English fans hung out to dry? BoJo’s Putin-Hitler comparison is ‘venom of hate’ say Russians

March 22 – The diplomatic spat between Britain and Russia over the poisoning of a former double agent on British soil has plummeted to new depths after British foreign secretary Boris Johnson claimed Vladimir Putin will use this summer’s World Cup to glorify Russia in the same way Adolf Hitler used Berlin’s hosting of the summer games in 1936 as propaganda for the Nazi regime. 

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Liberia: out with the old, in with the old. Bility may be going but his cronies aren’t

By Paul Nicholson

March 20 – Liberian FA president Musa Bility may be standing down at the next elections scheduled this March, but the corruption plagued federation does not appear to be cleaning up its act with allegations of election rigging and candidates standing who shared in the misappropriation of $50,000 of FIFA funds – aid that was sent to fight the Ebola epidemic but never made its way past the LFA executive committee.

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