A man above all suspicion

Angel Maria_Villar_President_of_the_Spanish_Football_Federation

The man who was arrested by the anti-corruption unit of the Guardia Civil in Madrid the other day, former FIFA and UEFA Grande Angel Maria Villar-Llona (alongside his son Gorka who ran CONMEBOL, leaving behind a major shambles) should not have been arrested at all.

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So what do we really know about Qatar that isn’t fake?

Qatar construction 2

July 20 – The G20 demonstrations in Hamburg against Qatar last Saturday were paid for by an Egyptian businessman, according to German reports. The fake event that in turn spawned ‘fake’ news reports is one of an increasingly distorting series of stories and revelations that make the real situation in Qatar hard to understand, especially when trying to put into context any impact the blockade will have on the 2022 World Cup preparations and hosting.

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Kraft to chair North American 2026 World Cup bid

July 20 – Robert Kraft (pictured), owner of Super Bowl champions New England Patriots but, more significantly, a key player in the growth of soccer in the United States, has been named honorary chairman of the board for the joint 2026 World Cup bid from Canada, Mexico and the United States. 

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