Spurs investor group opts for USL franchise as stepping stone to MLS

SSE logo

By Ben Nicholson
December29 – Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SSE) has announced that it will operate a United Soccer League (USL) franchise in 2016, after reaching agreements with Bexar County and the City of San Antonio. This is the provisional step for the ultimate end of obtaining an MLS franchise in San Antonio, Texas.

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Busting the corruption bubble. Has TEAM found the Holy Grail?

Martin Wagner

By Paul Nicholson
December 23 – What came first, greed-driven sports marketing agencies or avaricious sports administrators who jumped at the opportunity to siphon off cash for rights? The answer is probably that the two were always intertwined, but what football needs to avoid at all costs is another ISL or Traffic Sports situation.

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Sexwale returns to campaign trail after appearing before US Grand Jury

Tokyo Sexwale4

By Mark Baber
December 22 – FIFA presidential candidate Tokyo Sexwale appeared before the US Grand Jury last week in relation to the Jack Warner bribery allegations and the infamous $10 million from South Africa. He then jumped straight on a plane to Africa where he continued his lobbying in the FIFA election at the COSAFA (Council of Southern African Football Associations) annual general meeting.

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