Mihir Bose: FIFA reform needs practical ideas not wild, stupid ones

Any organisation in crisis prompts outlandish ideas on what should be done to reform it. But even then some of the ideas proposed to reform FIFA are so absurd as to make you wonder if those proposing them are really serious or just seeking sound bytes. That FIFA needs reform is a given. But to reform FIFA we need to understand what kind of an organisation it really is.

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Scala favourite to head new FIFA reform task force

Domenico Scala3

By Andrew Warshaw
July 22 – Domenico Scala, the no-nonsense and increasingly influential Swiss-Italian who has been at the forefront of pushing for meaningful change at FIFA, has emerged as the favourite to lead the newly established body charged with implementing concrete, lasting reform in the post-Sepp Blatter era.

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ICSS sign new government deal and prepare for FITS Forum

Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros

July 22 – The International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) has signed another agreement with a government body, this time with youth and sport ministers from Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). At the same time preparations for ICSS’s Financial Integrity and Transparency in Sport (FITS) Forum are continuing at speed.

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Massimo Cecchini: Tavecchio faces a dangerous decision

The setting is certainly fascinating and the event promises to be a media heaven. But, as ever, the danger is in the ambush that lurks around the corner. On July 28, in Milan, under the “world” banner offered by the Milan Expo, will be the draw for the calendar of the 2015-2016 Serie A season, which will open on the weekend of August 22-23. But should we be so sure?

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Beckham forced to go less posh, settling for Little Havana in Miami

David Beckham in Miami

By Ben Nicholson
July 21 – David Beckham appears to have found a mutually agreeable site in Miami for his long awaited MLS franchise. The city’s resolve to push Beckham away from its prime real estate has forced him to resort to the less desirable land next to Marlins Park, home to a Major League Baseball team, which is west of downtown in Little Havana.

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Inside Editorial: Food for thought. Warner and the sub judice rule

For those who like to think before they foam at their keyboard, the editorial reprinted here from the Trinidad Daily Express raises some important, generally forgotten, issues. Jack Warner may be a crook, he may be a bad man but this editorial points out where much of the media have been going wrong. It suggests a lot of physicians in and around the world of football need to start with healing themselves, or at least a health check.

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