Matt Scott: Why are English clubs so hard to sell? Ask Warren Buffett


“For the investor, a too-high purchase price for the stock of an excellent company can undo the effects of a subsequent decade of favorable business developments.” Warren Buffett

It’s hard to argue with any of the aphorisms spoken by the most successful investor in modern history. Warren Buffett has made himself a multi-billionaire, and lots of other people very rich too, with his seer’s ability to pick a stock through forensic financial analysis.

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Inside Editorial: All lawyered up with no place to go

News that FIFA president Sepp ‘despot’ Blatter and Jerome ‘not me’ Valcke have lawyered up in the US with a couple of the most aggressive rottweilers available comes as no real surprise. Or does it? And does the fact that this is actually news tell us a bit more than perhaps the news leaker had intended.

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Racist Chinese poster increases tensions with Hong Kong

Chinese poster

By Mark Baber
June 18 – A poorly conceived marketing campaign for China’s World Cup qualifiers, which included a poster saying “don’t underestimate black skin, yellow skin, white skin Hong Kong” has led to accusations of racism, an apparent apology from the Chinese FA (CFA) and a sharpening of tensions between the mainland and Hong Kong fans.

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Scottish football fans to get ‘right to buy’ their clubs

Alison Johnstone

By Mark Baber
June 18 – Amendments to the community empowerment bill, proposed by the Scottish Green party, were supported by members of the Scottish Parliament yesterday evening, opening the way for fan groups to buy their clubs if they fall into financial difficulties, and perhaps even to be granted a general “right to buy”.

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Russians go ice-cold on Capello after Euro 2106 qualification disaster

Fabio Capello3

By Paul Nicholson
June 18 – The Russians may be on target with their infrastructure build for the World Cup in 2018, but they look to be way off target with their preparation of a team for the home championship. Defeat against Austria in the Euro 2016 group qualifiers again raised doubts over whether Italian Fabio Capello is the right manager for the Russian team.

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Soosay calls it a day and quits AFC role

Alex Soosay

By Andrew Warshaw
June 18 – Within weeks of being temporarily suspended as general-secretary of the Asian Football Confederation over claims he was involved in a cover-up during an investigation into corruption allegations dating back to the era of Mohammed bin Hammam, Dato Alex Soosay has quit with immediate effect rather than stay and fight to clear his name.

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Swiss prosecutor identifies money laundering targets but says no to US link-up

Michael Lauber

By Mark Baber
June 17 – Switzerland’s top federal prosecutor Michael Lauber (pictured) has revealed that more than 104 banking relationships are being looked into as part of its investigation into the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids. Each of these relationships involves several accounts, with 53 banking relationships (some overlapping) having been separately been flagged up by the Swiss Money Laundering Reporting Office.

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