Wisla Krakow sponsor now aims to take over club

Wislaw Krakow fans

By Jaroslaw Adamowski
September 3 – Polish businessman Wieslaw Wlodarski has announced he is aiming to take over Wisla Krakow from its current owner, Boguslaw Cupial. The announcement was made following the signing of a three-year sponsorship deal between Wlodarski’s company, Foodcare, and the Krakow-based football side.

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Matt Scott: Premier League transfer volcano blows in a spectacular display of financial might


“To be brave, by definition, one has first to be afraid.” Robert Harris, Pompeii

There is no questioning the boldness of Premier League clubs’ activity in the transfer market this summer. The £835 million (€1.049 billion) in gross spending on new players exceeded the gross domestic product of San Marino or Gibraltar. When I wrote here three months ago that a financial volcano was primed to erupt in English football,

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Central American Cup to showcase home-grown talent in the US

Copa centroamericana logo

September 2 – The final national team squads for the Central American Cup Tigo 2014 that kicks off tomorrow have been announced, boasting multiple World Cup players amongst MLS and Europe-based players. However, there is a strong contingent of home-based players in each squad, serving not only as a reflection of each nation’s best 11, but also as a point of comparison for each nation’s respective club leagues.

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Mihir Bose: Can positive discrimination deal with racism and sexism?

The Malky Mackay saga has once again brought racism and sexism in football back on the agenda. And in particular it has raised the question: why is it that the world’s greatest game is so integrated and seems so inclusive on the field of play but off it is “hideously” white, to use FA chairman Greg Dyke’s phrase. If there were any doubts about that last week’s launch of the Champions League once again displayed European football’s Janus face.

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Legia’s continued protest incurs the wrath of UEFA

Legia banner

By Andrew Warshaw
September 2 – Legia Warsaw are in trouble again with UEFA, this time for their fans provocatively maintaining their protest against being kicked out of the Champions League for accidentally fielding an ineligible player for a mere couple of minutes at the end of a tie they had already won handsomely.

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