Chagossians crowd-fund their first international

Chagos Islands logo

By Mark Baber
September 19 – The Chagossians, a people forcibly displaced from the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, have launched a campaign on Indiegogo to raise the funds to send a team to play their first game outside of the UK against ConIFA member, Szekelyföld LE, a Hungarian-speaking minority group in Transylvania.

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Massimo Cecchini: Riforme, Avanti Piano; Reforms, a plan for the future

Diciamo la verità, non invidiamo l’esposizione mediatica di Carlo Tavecchio, presidente della Federcalcio. Da quando la gaffe estiva con accuse razziste ha messo a rischio la sua elezione (e l’Uefa ha aperto un procedimento su di lui), persino l’abbigliamento del numero uno del calcio italiano è spesso soggetto a “revisione” da parte dei media italiani. Eppure la scorsa settimana, in Consiglio Federale, un primo passo verso la riforma del calcio è stata fatta. Tavecchio, infatti,

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Matt Scott: From Scottish secessionism to English protectionism – divorce seldom helps the kids

Scotland goes to the polls today to decide whether to break with the most successful political union in the history of the world. England and Scotland have been bound in statutory togetherness since March 1, 1707. Yet a decision to end that economic and political union – so powerful that it once dominated the globe in an age of empire – could come within the next 24 hours. 

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National coaches give cold shoulder to political boycott of 2018 World Cup

Vicente del Bosque

By Andrew Warshaw
September 18 – National team coaches from Europe have played down the likelihood of a boycott of the 2018 World Cup as a penalty for Russia’s incursion into Ukraine. Meeting in St Petersburg for a technical study of the Brazil World Cup, the coaches of UEFA’s 54 member nations are reported to have been lukewarm over the idea of a boycott that has the support of a raft of European diplomats.

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