Lee Wellings: Germans still drawing the line at goal-line technology

Were you as surprised as I was that the top clubs in Germany voted against goal-line technology this week?

I’m trying to settle on why I expected a ‘ja, bitte’, and it’s a combination of factors.

The starting point has to be that German club football has enjoyed such a good reputation in recent years that you might have expected them to be trailblazers off the pitch. Instead, emphatically it’s the Premier League and English FA.

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Matt Scott: Time for FIFA to be content with what it has

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“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have,” Hebrews 13:5, King James Bible

How much is enough? It is a question we should all perhaps ask ourselves in pursuit of happiness. According to several passages in the Bible, having enough is simply when your belly is full, whereafter the leftovers should be given to the needy. Trying to convince yourself of that is probably a bit extreme in a 21st Century consumer society but it is definitely a question that should concern those who work for distributive not-for-profit organisations.

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Inside Insight: You gotta love the old racial profiling game

Not a fan of Qatar and aware of numerous potential and obvious downsides (debilitating summer heat above all), we have always kept an open mind about a World Cup in the Middle East, once the hosting rights were allotted.

The opposition towards the tiny Emirate has always been virulent. Even during the bidding phase, critics from all sorts of corners crept out from all sorts of rocks built on bias. Others, genuine ones without an agenda,

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Plot to remove Garcia is halted in its tracks

michael garcia

By Andrew Warshaw, chief correspondent
March 25 – FIFA has side-stepped a potential new storm after it emerged that tentative moves were taken last week by senior figures to try and shut down the probe into the voting procedure for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups and remove chief prosecutor Michael Garcia from the process.

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Mihir Bose: Qatar 2022 and an Anglo-Saxon conspiracy

That the FIFA decision to award the World Cup to Qatar in 2022 is once again in the spotlight is no surprise but the manner in which it hogged the headlines last week has raised intriguing questions. These are how did the story emerge and is this an Anglo-Saxon conspiracy?

This is not to in any way suggest that the Daily Telegraph did not have a good story about the financial dealings between Jack Warner and Mohammed Bin Hammam just days after both,

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FIFA banks a record year with more to come in 2014

FIFA House

March 24 – FIFA’s 2013 annual financial report has been released showing the governing body managed a surplus of $72 million on revenue of $1.386 million. 2013 was a record year for FIFA with income of $1.386 billion in the third year of a four-year commercial cycle linked to the 2014 World Cup.

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