Czech and Slovak FAs meet to discuss joint league and cup titles

czech and slovak flags

By Jaroslaw Adamowski
January 27 – Czech and Slovak football associations are holding talks on creating a joint league and a cup designed to pit clubs from the two countries against each other. “The issue of a Czech-Slovak league is on the table. By mid-February, we have to sit down and say whether this makes sense or not,” Jan Kovacik, president of the Slovak football association, was reported saying.

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John Yan: No Saints or sin as Wang joins CFA elite 王健林:”顾问”怎问南安普顿?

Just in the middle of the noise of Wang Jianlin’s potential purchase of Southampton FC, another piece of news related to The richest man in China and CFA (China Football Association) came out.

On January 21, 2014, the National Congress of CFA was finally held in a small town outside of Beijing. A new generation of leaders of CFA was elected by raised hands, and Wang Jianlin was appointed as the Adviser of CFA.

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‘Confidence reigns’ in Zurich as Blatter hosts Rousseff

Rousseff and Blatter

By Andrew Warshaw
January 24 – Two days after one of Brazil’s 12 World Cup stadia learned it may have to be scrapped from the schedule because of construction delays, Brazil’s leader Dilma Rousseff and FIFA president Sepp Blatter presented a joint charm offensive following a courtesy meeting at FIFA headquarters in Zurich.

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Matt Scott: Who would pay for Champagne’s new FIFA republic?

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” Plato, The Republic

Since the earliest days of democracy, political apathy has carried a price. In the UK, bizarre though it still seems, the price of a low voter turnout and diminished engagement with the political process was a £1,645 claim for a “floating duck island” by a member of the British parliament and knight of the realm.

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