Newcastle Jets return to A-League

Newcastle Jets1_May_31

By David Gold

May 4 – Newcastle Jets will be competing in next season’s A-League after all, following a meeting between the club’s owner Nathan Tinkler and Football Federation Australia (FFA) chief Frank Lowy.

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Mihir Bose: The FA should be congratulated, not pilloried, for wisely taking a punt on Hodgson

Mihir Bose

The conventional view in English football is that the Football Association, in going for Roy Hodgson as the next England manager, has made the safe choice. The argument is the people’s favourite, Harry Redknapp, would have been the bold move.

How utterly absurd. Redknapp (pictured below, on left alongside Hodgson) would have been the easy choice, hailed by the media and the supporters. It is Hodgson who is the brave, unconventional appointment, and the FA ought to be congratulated.

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