Football corruption specialist Chris Eaton to leave FIFA for ICSS

Chris Eaton

By Andrew Warshaw

February 17 – Chris Eaton (pictured), the former Interpol crime-buster whose blueprint to weed out match fixing and other forms of football corruption was hailed as a major breakthrough, is leaving his post as FIFA’s head of security to join the world’s first non-profit-making organisation specialising in safety and security across all sports.

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Fresh doubts over Warsaw Euro 2012 Stadium

National Stadium_Warsaw

By Andrew Warshaw

February 16 – Poland’s new $641 million (£409 million/€493 million) National Stadium, the jewel in the country’s Euro 2012 preparations, may not be ready to stage its showpiece inaugural fixture, a friendly against Portugal on February 29.

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David Owen: Why English football may need Alan Turing even more than Harry Redknapp

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Here we go again.

England needs a new football manager, setting off a new cycle of speculation, unrealistically burgeoning expectations and disillusionment, as surely as, well 55,000 Twitter-users follow the Anfield cat.

Actually, the speculation bit looks like being much diminished this time, since everyone thinks they know the new man’s identity: step forward Harry Redknapp, cheekie-chappie manager of Tottenham Hotspur, surprise package of the 2011-12 English Premier League season.

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