Chelsea to strike groundbreaking new deal with Sauber F1

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By Andrew Warshaw at the International Football Arena conference in Zurich

November 12 – A groundbreaking new sponsorship deal will be announced in the next two months between Chelsea and the Sauber Formula One team, the club’s chief executive Ron Gourlay revealed today.

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Delroy Alexander: No more monkey business

Delroy-Alexander Nov_11

As United States President Barack Obama swept back into power, I felt a real surge of pride because young, old, white, black, gay, straight, Hispanic and people of all dispositions had voted once again to make a man of colour the most powerful person on the planet.

It didn’t take long for me to realise that perhaps my own footnote in history might not be any of my professional deeds. Rather a sporting happenstance that saw me become Malia and Sasha Obama’s first “soccer”

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Muamba pays emotional visit to White Hart Lane

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By Andrew Warshaw

November 9 – Fabrice Muamba, the Premier League footballer who suffered a massive cardiac arrest and almost died during a cup game at Tottenham Hotspur in March, made an emotional return to the club’s White Hart Lane stadium for the first time yesterday.

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