Mihir Bose: Tottenham’s de-listing from the stock market highlights uncertainty amongst English clubs

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Tottenham Hotspur’s decision to de-list from the stock market deserves more than to be buried in the footnotes as one of those curious things football club directors indulge in.

Not only is it a reversal of a policy that Tottenham inaugurated more than 30 years ago, but it also highlights that modern English football clubs have just not worked out what is the right structure for them.

What a contrast to the continent where German,

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Phone call settles French race row

Kamel Chafni

By David Gold

December 22 – It may have been with a phone call rather than a handshake, but Auxerre midfielder Kamel Chafni and French assistant referee Johann Perruaux have done as FIFA President Sepp Blatter advised, and settled a race row between themselves after a league game.

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Uruguay leap to Suarez’s defence amid racism charge

Ernesto Irureta

By David Gold

December 21 – Uruguay’s National Sport Director Ernesto Irureta has vehemently defended Liverpool striker Luis Suarez after the forward was hit with an eight game ban after being found guilty of using  language toward Manchester United defender Patrice Evra which the Football Association (FA) said was “insulting” and made reference to the Frenchman’s colour.

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FA hand Suarez eight match ban for Evra comments

Suarez Evra

By Andrew Warshaw

December 20 – One of the most stringent punishments ever meted out by a national federation for racial abuse was imposed tonight on Liverpool striker Luis Suarez when he was banned for a staggering eight matches and fined £40,000 ($63,000/€48,000) by the English Football Association for comments allegedly made against Manchester United’s Patrice Evra.

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