Compelling draw showcases Brazilian qualities despite problems


By Andrew Warshaw in Rio de Janeiro

July 30 – Eighty-one years to the day since Uruguay won the first ever World Cup, the race for Brazil 2014 was launched in earnest today at a glittering $20 milion qualifying draw ceremony that threw up a whole host of intriguing match-ups that will get under way in Septemer next year.

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David Gold: Government should carry through on its threat to change the FA by force if necessary


England’s defeat to Germany in the 2010 World Cup triggered the inquiry into football governance, so humiliating was the nature of the 4-1 loss, and yesterday the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee which took on the inquiry proposed its solution to the questions thrown up by that humbling experience. It is this context in which their report on football governance should be seen; a means to an ends, that end being the success of English football,

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Reform or we will do so for you, Committee tells football authorities


By David Gold at Westminster in London

July 29 – MPs today threatened to legislate in an attempt to force English football to make a number of reforms, including the introduction of a licensing system for professional clubs, if the Football Association (FA) was unable to do so, with MP Damian Collins telling football authorities that “doing nothing is not an option”.

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