Andrew Warshaw: Bin Hammam verdict puts spotlight back on Qatar 2022


Just when Qatar thought it could turn over the page and move on in an atmosphere of trust and integrity, along comes another distasteful saga to give its 2022 World Cup preparations an unwanted headache.

First things first. Mohamed Bin Hammam’s lifetime ban from all football activities in Zurich had nothing whatsoever to do with his country’s landslide victory per se.

Bin Hammam wasn’t initially even in favour of Qtar going ahead and only aligned himself to the bid once it was clear the project was an immoveable force that had the support of those who pull the purse strings.

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Fulham take Dave Richards case to Supreme Court

Sir Dave Richards head and shoulders

By David Gold

July 22 – Fulham are taking their case to have Premier League chairman Sir Dave Richards’ removed from his role over alleged involvement the transfer of then Portsmouth forward Peter Crouch to Tottenham Hotspur in 2009 to the Supreme Court, the club has confirmed.

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Bin Hammam slams FIFA on eve of trial


By Andrew Warshaw

July 21 – Suspended Asian football chief Mohamed Bin Hammam has come out fighting ahead of his showdown with FIFA’s Ethics Committee by repeating assertions of a concerted campaign to prove him guilty prematurely.

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