Sepp Blatter: It gives me no joy


Ever since FIFA announced that its Ethics Committee will conduct a hearing this coming Sunday into allegations of bribery supposedly committed by my opponent in the race for FIFA’s presidency, some remarkable, some very concerning, some serious but also some truly asinine comments were made.

To make a point very clear, let me say this: I take no joy in having to observe yet another Ethics Committee hearing and investigation. And I take absolutely no joy in seeing my friends and colleagues of many years dragged before the ethics committee which was convened after the United States ExCo Member Chuck Blazer filed a complaint against my contestant and his own Confederation President.

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Vero Communications opens Rio office


By Tom Degun

May 25 – London-based international sport business consultancy Vero Communications, founded by Mike Lee (pictured), has announced the launch of their first overseas office in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, which formally opens today under the company name MLA True Communications.

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Andrew Warshaw: Can FIFA Presidential election go ahead after most damning scandal of all?


Can next week’s FIFA Presidential election possibly go ahead on schedule as a result of the latest seismic bombshell to hit football’s world governing body?

The decision by FIFA to investigate claims that Sepp Blatter’s only challenger, Mohamed Bin Hammam, and the organisation’s longest-serving vice-president, Jack Warner, were both caught up in a bribery sensation is by far and away the most damning of all the recent scandals to strike at the heart of the governing body’s hierarchy.

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Mihir Bose: Triesman’s revelations are explosive but there is no smoking gun

Mihir Bose blog picture(1)

Lord Triesman’s testimony in Parliament may not prove to be quite the defining moment for FIFA that the media coverage suggests. Triesman’s statements have been seen as FIFA’s equivalent of the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Salt Lake City moment. That ended with the IOC cleaning up its act and expelling 10 members.

My worry is that the Triesman intervention could be great theatre but not lead to any real change.

I say this based on having witnessed an even more explosive drama at the IOC’s headquarters in Lausanne back in December 1998.

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