Flexible planning key to success of Russia 2018


By David Gold at the Inside World Football Forum in Moscow

June 24 – The deputy chief executive and international relations director of Russia’s World Cup 2018 Organising Committee believes money will not be an issue for its preparations for the tournament whilst speaking at the Inside World Football Moscow Forum.

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Sorokin: We were surprised as anyone when we won 2018 World Cup bid race


By Andrew Warshaw at the Inside World Football Forum in Moscow

June 24 – Alexey Sorokin, the head of Russia’s 2018 World Cup organisers, insisted today that his country had no idea they had prematurely won the vote back in December despite reports at the time that they knew about the landslide victory well before FIFA President Sepp Blatter opened the proverbial envelope.

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Andrew Warshaw: Warner resignation leaves FIFA implicated in sordid cover-up


Disgraceful, scandalous, unbelievable. Just three of the adjectives that have been used over the past few days – and rightly so – to describe FIFA’s decision to close the case against Jack Warner despite overwhelming evidence that their most senior vice-president played a prominent part in world football’s biggest bribery scandal.

Who on earth were FIFA trying to kid by dropping their investigation into the hopelessly tarnished Warner and allowing him to withdraw from football by praising his contribution and inserting that now-infamous phrase,

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