Mihir Bose: Fans treated as if they don’t count by dysfunctional football family


Liverpool fans gathering outside the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand would have been better advised to move a short distance westwards to Parliament Square to get our law-makers to address an essential problem in football: that we now have an extraordinarily unlevel playing field when it comes to the national game.

The fact is that the football industry is like a dysfunctional family and this has come about through muddle headed law-making.

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David Owen: Kosovo dream of emulating Montenegro and playing at Wembley

At Wembley tonight, England’s footballers take on Montenegro in a Euro 2012 qualifier.

Improbably enough, it is the visitors who head the group with three wins out of three - pretty remarkable given that the country declared independence just four years ago and, at some 5,000 square miles, is a touch smaller than Northern Ireland and a touch bigger than Death Valley National Park.

As star player Mirko Vucinic and his team-mates pursue their dream tonight at one of world sport’s most famous venues,

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UK Athletics backs West Ham Olympic Stadium bid


By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

October 11 – UK Athletics today threw its support behind West Ham’s bid to take over London’s Olympic Stadium after the 2012 Games because they believe it is the best way to ensuring that the running track remains.

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Ukraine steps up to the plate


By Andrew Warshaw

October 9 – The 2012 European Championship finals were never in jeopardy despite Ukraine’s initial inability to meet strict criteria, according to UEFA’s chief operating officer, Martin Kallen (pictured).

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