Gauntlet thrown down over FIFA presidency


By Andrew Warshaw

December 30 – Sepp Blatter has laid down the gauntlet to any potential challengers by clearly indicating he aims to continue as FIFA President and be re-elected halfway through 2011 for what would be an unprecedented fourth term.

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Mihir Bose: FA will learn nothing if they do not confront England 2018 defeat

Mihir Bose(2)

It did not take long for the board of the Football Association to choose David Bernstein as the new chairman. The whole thing, I am told, took a bare five minutes. He was nominated, all hands went up and on to the next business.

However, sometime after this decision, there was a report by Andy Anson on England’s disastrous World Cup bid for 2018. Here something rather curious happened.

Before the meeting there had been much anticipation of what Anson,

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