Nottingham hope Maradona can help World Cup bid

By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

June 11 – Nottingham is hoping that the shirt Argentina’s Diego Maradona wore when he scored his famous “Hand of God” goal will help the city’s bid to be a host city if England wins its bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

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Diego Maradona – the ultimate World Cup showman

By David Owen at Ellis Park, Johannesburg

June 12 – “We don’t know what is going to happen today”. This comment by Sergio Gustavo Segovia, a journalist with Diario Crónica, the Buenos Aires daily, epitomises the ambivalence many Argentinians feel about the man at the helm of their 2010 World Cup challenge: Diego Armando Maradona, possessor of the notorious Hand of God, quite possibly the greatest footballer seen on this planet.

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USA still planning to bid for 2018 and 2022 World Cup

By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

June 12 – The United States does not have any plans at the moment to withdraw its bid for the 2018 World Cup, even though they are the only non-European bidders left following the decision of Australia earlier this week to concentrate on winning the right to host the 2022 tournament.

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Mike Rowbottom: Cautious optimism is the English way

Mike Rowbottom

As I start to write this piece, England’s footballers are about to engage in their latest bid to end 30 years of hurt - sorry, make that 44 years, forgot to add the 14 since the European Championships ended with that penalty shoot-out at Wembley against let’s move on - and their prospects are as boundless as a blank page. Southgate. Why couldn’t he just blast it?

So we’re all at it again. Hoping.

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Legal experts to probe Warner FIFA role

By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

June 11 – A panel of legal experts have been appointed by the Trinidad and Tobago Government to advise them on whether FIFA vice-president Jack Warner (pictured) should be allowed to combine his football roles with his position as the country’s Minister of Works and Transport.

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