David Owen: Eastern breakaway could send shockwaves through FIFA – and win China the 2026 World Cup

David Owen small(1)

As members of the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) made their way last week to Pago Pago to vote for a new President, word reached me of an idea that could transform their futures and send a shockwave through the murky world of global football politics.

The idea of a breakaway Asian confederation, embracing Oceania and several easterly members of the current Asian Football Confederation (AFC) is being actively discussed.

At present it is hard to assess the timescale,

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Alan Hubbard: Spending £500 million on a stadium then knocking it down would make us a laughing stock


O what a tangled web we weave, when we first practise to deceive!

So tangled, in fact, that most attribute the quotation to Shakespeare when actually it was penned by Sir Walter Scott.

I make the point not to boast any great literary leaning but because had sports politics been on the agenda when it was written back in the 19th century then never would it have been more aptly described.

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