Exclusive: England 2018 had fresh initiative lined up

By Andrew Warshaw

January 10 – England’s 2018 bid team had prepared a fresh presentation to be delivered to the Confederation of African Football (CAF) in Angola later this month but were denied the opportunity after Qatar signed an exclusive sponsorship deal, insideworldfootball has learned.

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David Owen: Angolan attack highlights South African security concerns

David Owen small(1)

It has been a dreadful start to the year for African football.

I was just settling down to write a column arguing that African governing body CAF’s decision to sign an exclusive sponsorship deal with Qatar 2022 demonstrated that FIFA needed to take a firmer grip on the World Cup bidding process - either that or simply auction the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to the highest bidders - when word of the attack on the Togo team came through.

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