Sky agree new three year Champions League deal

By David Gold
April 29 – Sky Sports has signed a deal to continue coverage of UEFA Champions League games until 2015.
By David Gold
April 29 – Sky Sports has signed a deal to continue coverage of UEFA Champions League games until 2015.
David Cameron may bold enough to bomb Colonel Gaddafi but has he got the bottle to take on his own country’s football lobby?
I raise the question because of growing concern that the same back-stabbing cabal which did for Kate Hoey as Labour’s sports minister ten years ago apparently has it in for present Tory incumbent Hugh Robertson.
There is no doubt that the long knives are out for the minister,
By David Gold
April 29 – Football fans have been warned by Polish police to ensure that they buy tickets for the 2012 European Championships from reliable sources to avoid the risk of fraud.
By David Gold
April 29 – The row between Real Madrid and Barcelona has escalated further still after Real insisted that they would report the Catalans to UEFA for their behaviour during the bad-tempered Champions League semi-final between the two sides on Wednesday night (April 27).
By David Gold
April 29 – The French Football Federation (FFF) will hold an investigation into reports emanating from French website Mediapart, which claimed officials within the organisation are in favour of quotas limiting the number of players recruited by academies from immigrant communities.
By David Gold
April 28 – Rangers were fined €40,000 (£36,000/$59,000) and their fans banned from the club’s next European away game following the behaviour of its supporters during a Europa League match earlier this season.
By Andrew Warshaw
April 28 – FIFA Presidential contender Mohamed Bin Hammam flew into London for a meeting with Football Association officials today and afterwards declared himself “well-placed” in the contest against Sepp Blatter.
By David Gold
April 27 – Junji Ogura, President of the Japanese Football Federation, is seeking FIFA President Sepp Blatter’s help in putting together a Japan squad for the Copa America this summer.
By Andrew Warshaw
April 27 – The previous ownership at Liverpool was a classic example of why new financial fair play rules have to be introduced, a top UEFA adviser has warned.
By Andrew Warshaw
April 27 – A complaint that the BBC damaged England’s bid for the 2018 World Cup by broadcasting a hard-hitting Panorama documentary presented by Andrew Jennings three days before the vote has been rejected by the Corporation’s governing body.
April 27 – FIFA President Sepp Blatter has sent a personal message to Prince William and Kate Middleton ahead of the Royal Wedding on Friday (April 29).
By David Gold
April 27 – Orland Silva, Brazil’s Sports Minister, has cast fresh doubt on whether São Paulo will be able to host games during the 2014 World Cup, with construction still yet to begin on the city’s Itaquera Stadium, which is intended to host the tournament’s opening match.
By Andrew Warshaw
April 27 – Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko has been appointed chairman of the organising committee for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.
By Andrew Warshaw at Westminster
April 26 – UEFA President Michel Platini’s top adviser says the English Football Association is arguably the worst run in Europe – mainly because of the power of the Premier League.
By David Gold
April 26 – The purchase of debt ridden Swiss Super League club Neuchâtel Xamax by Chechen businessman Bulat Chagaev will go through on May 12.