Swiss call in Extraordinary Prosecutor to examine criminal charges against Infantino

By Paul Nicholson

July 3 – FIFA president Gianni Infantino took a step nearer towards a full criminal investigation in Switzerland into his behaviour following the announcement today by the supervisory authority of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office that an extraordinary federal public prosecutor had been appointed to examine criminal complaints made against him and Swiss federal prosecutor Michael Lauber.

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Million $ questions: Fenwick, Miller, Celtic, and the abuse of Trinidad’s Jabloteh

By Paul Nicholson

July 3 – The leak of witness statements from a 2013 Trinidad and Tobago court case concerning national team coach Terry Fenwick, the former English defender turned football manager-cum-marketing spiv, sheds more light via a series of shocking revelations concerning Fenwick’s violent temper, his extreme behaviour and his alleged and multiple fraudulent business dealings.

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