Moroccan FA boss Lekjaa accused of assaulting Ethiopian ref Tessema. CAF to make ‘watershed’ ruling

By Osasu Obayiuwana in Cairo, Egypt

July 9 – Fouzi Lekjaa, 3rd Vice-President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), is at grave risk of being fined and banned by the organisation of which he is a high-ranking member, when CAF’s Disciplinary Committee sits in Cairo on Tuesday, to hear a complaint the Ethiopian Football Federation (EFF) have filed against the Moroccan.

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‘Toxic’ CAF in danger of alienating sponsors unless it cleans up, says agency source

By Osasu Obayiuwana in Cairo, Egypt

July 9 – As the Confederation of African Football (CAF) is engulfed by governance problems that could, unbelievably, lead to FIFA’s direct intervention in its day-to-day affairs, its poor image could have an immediate and long-term impact on its financial future, as sponsors are increasingly uncomfortable with the negative publicity surrounding the body.

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